The active presence of Bu-Ali Sina Center for teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers in the first international student recruitment festival at Tarbiat Modares University

The active presence of Bu-Ali Sina Center for teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers in the first international student recruitment festival at Tarbiat Modares University

تاریخ انتشار : Publish : نسخه قابل چاپ Print

The General Office of International 'Students' Affairs has organized the first international student recruitment festival at Tarbiat Modares University on March 6th and 7th, 2023, to create a dialogue in the field of international student recruitment, introduce the capacities of the country's higher education for studying, create line a balance in the flow of scientific-student migrations in line with the realization of scientific authority and the expansion and diploma of student scientific diplomacy with five fundamental principles 1-Awarding the national award of the best universities "Soraya National Award"," 2- Acknowledging successful universities in international students recruitment, 3- Honoring the best in international student affairs, 4- Conference on models and executive mechanisms for international students recruitment in Iran and 5- Exhibition section.
